Thursday, April 16, 2009

Yet Another Training Obsticle, at least I'm not the slacker!

Yet another training obstacle, at least I cannot be called a slacker....(and my 1st real post!!!)

So, I've been sick again, road on the trainer for an hour this past Saturday and felt like I was slacking, just didn't have any juice. Got done and looked at my results from my heart rate monitor and I busted my ass for about nothing. Can't figure that one out! Then I started feeling like I had my life force drained from me! For real! I swear I don't let myself play video games outside of any 2 week break I have between quarters from school, same type of deal as the 'don't date a roommate' kind of rule, just bad results! As a co-worker says, "Don't dance with the borg!"

So the following days are spent in in bed with a 103 degree fever. Literally not leaving my cave for 24 hour increments! Can't even count how many sweatshirts I sweated through!

Right when I start feeling better my throat continues to kill and I still cannot eat or swollow even though I finally have my appetite back after 3 or so days! So I go to the doctor rather back to work in case it may be strep and I need antibiotics and had an interesting experience, got the antibiotics and the ok to go to work tomorrow. Just in time for a beautiful weekend and, hope, hope, (fingers crossed) some biking this weekend! After I make up my midterm that I was supposed to take on Monday anyway!!

The intersting hospital experience was just a really thorough run through, that interestingly enough started out with a little kid in the next room going into respitory arrest and doctors running into my room to grab my doctor who asked for my permission to go, which was odd, but polite! I was like, get your superman outfit and get the heck out of hear, I'm already missing work and I'll wait!
So after that I got thrown on an IV for fluids, blood drawn, carted off for xrays and was left to watch fixie vidz from Tokyo on youtube on my phone. God bless smartphones! Found out strep test was negative, blood was great and xrays didn't show anything abnormal! He gave me antibiotics for strep to be on the safe side because I have had this and got a bad fever from it for so many days. Hopefully it is taken care of now and things are on the up and up!
Oh and for the record after about 10 minutes of my Dr being dragged out of my room, I could hear him talking to the kid, so that must have been all good! No screaming parents either, another good sign! But the Dr came back in while he was still in mid-sigh! Guess I'll have to remember that next time I have a stressful day at the office!

And for the record, I plan on post some pics up on here shortly!! Hopefully everybody feels better than I have this week!

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